Mr. Rajkumar Sharma

Dr. Bala's Words

At the age of 43, loosing 27 kgs of fat along with bringing down his HbA1c - 7.2 to 4.8, triglycerides - 356 to 59... cholesterol - 180 - 107... SGOT 41 to 18... stopping all the tablets consumed for diabetes and BP for the past 10 years is a Revolutionary achievement which was done only through the scientific exercises and tailor made diet.. when the first day he came to meet me I was working with someone... he saw that and he ran away.. next day he was forcibly brought by his son to me (credit to his son)... initially he thought he could not do anything... there we started... 6 months target was set... he never took even a single day off... he did everything religiously... my word was the last word for him... he applied every drop of lifestyle science which I designed for him with no mistakes... Boom- he achieved all the targets in 4 months and 26 days... that was a clear reign of lifestyle Science as the language of Health and prevention... A loud cheer to "Mr. Rajkumar - The Hero".